Author Archives: Chloe Horswell

Queers through the years: First up – the lovely Claude

Claude: Queers through the years

For Silver Pride month we have partnered up with the charity Opening Doors – the only dedicated national charity connective LGBTQ+ people over 50 with activities, events, support and information. We were lucky enough to sit down with some of their members to hear what it was like to be gay and how it has changed in the last 50 years.

Delicious Lower Calorie Alcohol Options for Guilt-Free Drinking

raspberry party drinks

Raise your glass and toast to good health! We all love a good night out with friends, celebrating special occasions, or simply unwinding after a long day. But what if I told you that you can enjoy your favorite drinks without the guilt of consuming excessive calories and sugars? It sounds like the best of both worlds, doesn’t it?

In a world where wellness is becoming a top priority, finding lower calorie alcohol options has become a hot topic. Imagine sipping on your favorite cocktails while still maintaining your health and fitness goals. It may sound too good to be true, but fear not, because in this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating world of lower calorie alcohol options that will make you say, “Cheers to health!”

Gone are the days when alcoholic beverages were synonymous with empty calories and regret. With the rising demand for healthier alternatives, the market has responded with innovative solutions that allow you to enjoy a guilt-free drink without compromising on taste or quality. So if you’re looking to indulge without derailing your progress, keep reading as we uncover the secrets behind these lower calorie alcohol options.

The goal here is to find that delicate balance between enjoying a drink and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re watching your waistline, following a specific diet, or simply looking to make better choices, we’ve got you covered. From light beers to low-calorie wines and spirits, we will explore the array of options available, shedding light on their calorie content, ingredients, and overall appeal.

So, grab a seat, pour yourself a drink (or two), and let’s embark on a journey to discover the exciting world of lower calorie alcohol options. Get ready to cheers to health and unlock the secrets to guilt-free drinking!